Approaches to non-coding annotation
Talk at USC Computational Biology, LA, CA. Contains mod/ENCODE overview talk with a refined section on SVs (compared to 2.21 talk). 1 hr in total but not enough time for local reassembly sect.
Subject: non-coding annotation + svs Date Given: 2/25/2011
Lecture ID: Noncoding-Annotation-SVs-i0jcvigenomeat10-usc-20110225
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titleApproaches to non-coding annotation
subjectnon-coding annotation + SVs
descriptionTalk at USC Computational Biology, LA, CA. Contains mod/ENCODE overview talk with a refined section on SVs (compared to 2.21 talk). 1 hr in total but not enough time for local reassembly sect.
date given2/25/2011

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