Analysis of SVs in human populations: SVs & Pseudogenes25' Invited talk at ASHG '14, San Diego, CA. (In addition, there's other fill-in talks at this meeting, filled under i0ashg14) Subject: svs, pgenes, svpgene, hasshadow, cmppgene Date Given: 10/18/2014 Lecture ID: SVs_n_Pgenes--20141019-i0ashg14+SV Switch to compact view
labid SVs_n_Pgenes--20141019-i0ashg14+SV title Analysis of SVs in human populations: SVs & Pseudogenes subject SVs, pgenes,svpgene,hasshadow,cmppgene description 25' Invited talk at ASHG '14, San Diego, CA. (In addition, there's other fill-in talks at this meeting, filled under i0ashg14) date given 10/18/2014 abstract
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