Prioritizing Variants in Personal Genomes: Using functional impact & recurrence, with particular application to cancer
60' talk at McGill. Similar to i0dana talk but now w/ uORFs & some update of the costseq2 stuff
Subject: jpegslides, aloft, vat, funseq, mrtadfinder, larva, moat, frustration, costseq2, prcc, uorfs Date Given: 4/18/2018
Lecture ID: Prioritizing-Variants-Cancer-App--20180418-i0mcg18
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titlePrioritizing Variants in Personal Genomes: Using functional impact & recurrence, with particular application to cancer
description60' talk at McGill. Similar to i0dana talk but now w/ uORFs & some update of the costseq2 stuff
date given4/18/2018

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