Annotating Non-coding Regions of the Human GenomeRECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics Cambridge, MA ; 2008.10.31, 18:45-19:15M Genome tech and Genome annotation talk, including: Seq. Sim + PeakSeq ; MSB; DART TAR classification ; TRE clustering + biplot, BoCaTFBS, sdcnvcorr [I:RECOMBSAT] . Fits into time Subject: Date Given: 10/31/2008 Lecture ID: RECOMBSAT-20081031-GenomeTechAnnotate Switch to compact view
labid RECOMBSAT-20081031-GenomeTechAnnotate title Annotating Non-coding Regions of the Human Genome subject description RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics Cambridge, MA ; 2008.10.31, 18:45-19:15M Genome tech and Genome annotation talk, including: Seq. Sim + PeakSeq ; MSB; DART TAR classification ; TRE clustering + biplot, BoCaTFBS, sdcnvcorr [I:RECOMBSAT] . Fits into time date given 10/31/2008 abstract
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