Selected Individual Conference Talks
- Putting it all together: Using Molecular Networks to Understand Protein Function on a Genome Scale
Representative sample of full spring 2005 talk, given at the Johns Hopkins, MIT, NYU, UMass Lowell and other places
[Audio in WAV format]
[Audio in MP3 format]
[Interactive Show with Audio]
- Access to Scientific Knowledge (A2sciK) - Practical Issues Relating to it for Scientists
Talk given at A2K conference in Spring 2006
- Annotation of Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome, focusing on Pseudogenes
Fall 2004 talk, given at the NAS in their Sackler Colloquia Series
[Interactive Show with Audio]
- "Computational Proteomics: Genome-scale Analysis of Protein Structure, Function, and Evolution"
Representative sample of full spring 2002 talk
"Integrative Genomics: Surveys of a Finite
Parts List,"
Representative sample of full spring 2001 talk,
given at Stanford, ITP,
U of Georgia, etc.
- "Analysis of
Genomes &
in terms of the
Occurrence of
Parts and
Talk given in Fall 2000 at Transcriptome 2000.
- "5 minute overview of the lab,"
Given at MB&B Woodshole retreat in Fall of 2000.
- "Tools for the Analysis of Macromolecular Motions & Geometry,"
Talk given in Fall 1999 (at CCP11 workshop).
[raw html]
- "Comparative Genomics: Surveys of a Finite
Parts List,"
Representative sample of full fall 2000 talk, given at DIMACS workshop.
[PDF (10 Mb)]
[PPT (18 Mb)]
- "Comparative Genomics: Surveys of a Finite
Parts List,"
Updated talk given in Spring 2000 (at Princeton
and other places)
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[PDF (53Mb)]
[gzipped ps (13Mb)]
- "Comparing Genomes in Terms of Protein Structure: Surveys of a Finite
Parts List,"
Updated talk given in Spring 1999 (at NIH, Celera, Toronto, Texas, PMMB, etc.)
[html] [pdf] [Abstract]
Original talk given in Fall 1998 (at GCB-98,
CCP11, Newton, etc.) [html] [pdf]
Talk on target selection for Structural Genomics, given in NYC in Fall 1999
[html] [pdf]
- "Using a Finite Parts List to Understand Complexity:
Analysis of Whole-Genome Expression Patterns in terms of Protein Folds,"
Given at ONR Complexity Workshop, Spring 1999 [html]
- "Studying Macromolecular Motions in a Database Framework: From Structure
To Sequence,"
Given at Rigidity Theory Workshop,
Summer 1998 [html] [pdf]
- "Analysis of Protein Geometry, Particularly Related to Packing at the
Protein Surface,"
CSB seminar, Spring
of 1997 [html]
- An old single lecture from CS440 that compresses kernel of bioinformatics into 90'. [html] [pdf] [ppt]