Biological Network AnalysisBrown Applied Math, Providence, RI; 2010.04.09, 16:00-17:00; [I:BROWNMATH] (Long networks talk, derived from [I:MBINETS], including callgraph*, coregscaling*, reghier*, & motips* for 1st time. Whole talk took 2 hrs. with questions.) Subject: networks Date Given: 4/9/2010 Lecture ID: BrownMath-20100409-Nets Switch to compact view
labid BrownMath-20100409-Nets title Biological Network Analysis subject networks description Brown Applied Math, Providence, RI; 2010.04.09, 16:00-17:00; [I:BROWNMATH] (Long networks talk, derived from [I:MBINETS], including callgraph*, coregscaling*, reghier*, & motips* for 1st time. Whole talk took 2 hrs. with questions.) date given 4/9/2010 abstract
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